Ceny nemovitostí v Česku stále rostou – zejména v Praze.
The staff knows what's cool before it's cool. Their endorsement can make a band blow up. Their name refers to the clutching gesture you make when the mighty force of metal flows through you. When they're not too busy throwing the metal horns or making …
Mnohé letos v květnu zaskočila daň z nemovitostí, ta narostla až pětinásobně.
The staff knows what's cool before it's cool. Their endorsement can make a band blow up. Their name refers to the clutching gesture you make when the mighty force of metal flows through you. When they're not too busy throwing the metal horns or making …
Oživení realitního trhu v České republice: Růst poptávky, trendy nájemního bydlení a očekávaný vliv hypotečních sazeb.
The staff knows what's cool before it's cool. Their endorsement can make a band blow up. Their name refers to the clutching gesture you make when the mighty force of metal flows through you. When they're not too busy throwing the metal horns or making …
Oživení českého realitního trhu. Návrat k normálu po propadu v roce 2022 a výhled do budoucnosti.
The staff knows what's cool before it's cool. Their endorsement can make a band blow up. Their name refers to the clutching gesture you make when the mighty force of metal flows through you. When they're not too busy throwing the metal horns or making …
Plánovaná změna DPH může ušetřit stovky tisíc korun při nákupu nových bytů.
The staff knows what's cool before it's cool. Their endorsement can make a band blow up. Their name refers to the clutching gesture you make when the mighty force of metal flows through you. When they're not too busy throwing the metal horns or making …
Moderní cesta nákupu i prodeje nemovitostí
The staff knows what's cool before it's cool. Their endorsement can make a band blow up. Their name refers to the clutching gesture you make when the mighty force of metal flows through you. When they're not too busy throwing the metal horns or making …
Nová pravidla pro přidělování sociálních bytů v Praze
The staff knows what's cool before it's cool. Their endorsement can make a band blow up. Their name refers to the clutching gesture you make when the mighty force of metal flows through you. When they're not too busy throwing the metal horns or making …
Řešení problémů s bydlením v České republice: Nové projekty, legislativa a dotace.
The staff knows what's cool before it's cool. Their endorsement can make a band blow up. Their name refers to the clutching gesture you make when the mighty force of metal flows through you. When they're not too busy throwing the metal horns or making …
Nový tlak na developery a větší zájem o nájemní bydlení v Praze jsou důvody zvyšování cen bytů.
The staff knows what's cool before it's cool. Their endorsement can make a band blow up. Their name refers to the clutching gesture you make when the mighty force of metal flows through you. When they're not too busy throwing the metal horns or making …
Náklady na bydlení v České republice
The staff knows what's cool before it's cool. Their endorsement can make a band blow up. Their name refers to the clutching gesture you make when the mighty force of metal flows through you. When they're not too busy throwing the metal horns or making …